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Portrait of Annie and her small brown dog

Profiles in Courage: Annie Seeks Joy and Meaning Within Pain

A head injury at the age of 9 started Annie’s journey with chronic migraine. She also has fibromyalgia. After 11 car accidents over her lifetime and nearly a dozen surgeries, she doesn’t consider herself lucky. These many challenges have set her on a path to find meaning within her constant and severe pain.

Navigating the pain of migraine

An active community member on the site, Annie was inspired by “The Guilt Trip of Migraine,” an article on She ran with the idea of becoming friends with pain rather than expending energy fighting it day after day.  She now inspires others with her positive approach as she lives in the moment and looks for “Joy Shots” throughout the day. Annie helps us understand her journey and “Mindful Appreciation” philosophy for navigating pain in this interview with Holly, the author of the article that inspired her.

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