Hello everyone
I have had normal head migraines ( left temporal) since 23yo. I am 56 now. 3.5 years ago all of a sudden I had what I thought was a bad case of food poisoning that lasted 2 weeks. I went to ER 3 times. Tests — CT- and
MRI- head , upper scope, then diagnosed with ABDOMINAL MIGRAINES.
My migraines were controlled with Imitrex rather quickly and I could go back to work . When I started getting the A.M. nothing stopped them.
I have taken all the new meds, some Old school ones and nothing has worked.
I even went as far as getting a Celiac Block. ( I was told that would stop ALL pain signals from icy abdomen to my brain. DIDN’T WORK one bit..
Took the shot. Amovig a few days prior to my most recent attack no help.
My abdominal spasms are so severe that I have to go to the ER every time to get a shot of Haloperidol and that tends to stop the intense spasms but not the vomiting ( every 3 minutes)
I take topamax 200 morn- night. To prevent. It has helped. I’m down to 1-2 month. I was 1 a week.
Can’t find any studies going on for AM.
I hate that we are such a rare group ( guess they don’t care )
Anyone heard of Botox for this. I have read a few posts and it so like a few have done it
I’m just worried since none of the other preventative treatments focused on the head have worked to date . If they need to look at something in the Gut instead..
I don’t know. Im about out of options and hope here ,, these things are killing me
Any comments are welcome
Except negativity… lol
Eric. Indiana