It was Advil and I against the world for 20 years. Once and a while it’d give me bad push back, but doesn’t every significant other? All in all, the trust was real. Dec 2021, the relationship halted. I gave it a rest until July 2022. I had just finished Covid 2 weeks ago. I needed 4 to kill off my newest migraine but it worked. 2 used to always do the trick. Only 4-5x month thanks to Nurtec and Botox, 2 Advil were needed and worked as an abortive. Until end of Aug 2022 (same problem as end of July). 2 Advil worked but then woke up 7 hours later midsleep and the migraine returned (never happens to me if I take Advil!). Took 2 more and 7 hours later Nurtec was needed to kill it for good. Yesterday, 9/27/22, 2 Advil didn’t do much. A 3rd took the edge off and 6 hours later, a second dose of 2 killed it. So far took a 2 month break from Ubrelvy as that suddenly stopped working after a magical year of it helping with just 1 pill(occasionally 2) and allowing me to have less Advil. Why is this happening with Advil? It can’t be MOH! I have always taken one dose of 2 (4-5x month) except for these few weird times! Back to Ubrelvy? help