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It’s hot. I’m sitting still yet I’m sweating right through my clothes. I do have an air conditioner, but I hate using it. The feeling of it almost hurts my skin. And the NOISE of it drives me just crazy. Everyone has to talk loud when it’s on…
When I DO use it, I only have one on the second floor, purposely. I put a fan at the top of the stairs to push the cool air downstairs, where I spend most of my time. It works pretty well, but it’s a bit of work. All just to avoid the symptoms that it brings out.
Anyone else have stories of the lengths you go to, in the effort to escape these some of these migraine symptoms?
Kate 🌷

  1. - Hi kate! The heat right now is so oppressive and triggers my migraine attacks. Like you, I don't enjoy the manufactured air of an AC but it's preferable to the heat. It's strange and I have a hard time describing it, but my body temperature regulates when I'm outside in a way that it can't when I'm indoors with AC and heat. So I tend to feel kind of clammy and uncomfortable in my skin at this time of year. I try to get out and take shorter walks to reset- in the shade- during these months - but I miss my longer walks that I can accomplish when it's cooler out. I see why you find the fan helps a bit because I think it more naturally moves the air. My primary allodynia symptom is pain in my scalp/hair. The main way I've found to manage that is by either washing it more frequently or taking a hair dryer on its hottest setting to the most painful spot. This is an approach I learned on our site from another member and it really works. I hope you're managing okay today. Sending love- Holly ( team).

    1. Oh gosh, Holly, I don't often expect to see my experiences shared by others here since I don't have migraine, but this is totally me, probably related to my cerebral palsy in some way. I wilt instantly in the heat but am also super sensitive to AC and literally have a blanket wrapped around me as I write this. The AC gets shut off as soon as my husband goes to work, and I also take breaks outside to recalibrate. The struggle of temperature regulation is real ... thankfully there are lots of tools to make it a little easier there days. Stay cool -- but not too cool! 😉 -Melissa, team

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