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Anyone dealing with Migraine AND atrial fibulation?

Hi--I was recently diagnosed with a-fib. Not thrilled, it runs in the family, so here I am. BUT--I am wondering if anyone out there also has a-fib and migraines. If so, what do you notice about the two conditions, as in interaction? Do you find a migraine often precedes an a-fib event? I know headache can be a symptom of a-fib. Yesterday I woke up with a migraine, and had an episode of a-fib by noon. Do you find that your meds prescribed for a-fib (such as cardizem) make your headaches worse, since headache can be a side effect of that drug?

  1. - Thank you so much for posing this question to our community. I'm sorry to hear you must deal with a challenging condition atop the migraine disease. I looked through our resources and, while we have a number of resources on Afib, we don't have any information or community members who have shared that tie just yet. That doesn't mean a tie doesn't exist, though. There is one piece in which a community member mentions using Cardizem: Hopefully, you'll hear some first-hand experiences on the connection now that the question has been posted. Thank you for starting this conversation. Warmly- Holly team.

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