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Anyone Here From Downunder?

This is such a great group: supportive, well informed, funny... Is there anyone here from NZ or Australia? Just wanted to say hi really. Maybe talk about drugs we have access too (so different to the US) I'm looking at living in the US for 6 months, and frankly, I'm terrified. I wonder if l can take 6 months worth of meds with me? The idea of negotiating (& paying for) their health system scares me. Libby in NZ Mods: l hope this is ok?

  1. Hi ,

    Thank you for sharing your kind words with us.

    I completely understand the medications issue when traveling. I wonder if you could discuss this with the doctor and see if he/she has any options for you.
    As far as folks from NZ, hopefully they'll be along shortly to share their experiences with you.

    Wishing you a low pain day,
    Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator

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