hi there, I know exactly what you mean. I've felt similarly with migraines and other medical issues that bring with them a lot of anxiety and apprehension. It's hard to not see it as a setback when we're suddenly facing all the pain and anxiety again, and health takes a place in the front of our mind, affecting our daily functioning, and likely our self-perception. I don't have a magic solution, only a few ideas that help mitigate things slightly. One thing I've learned about myself is that my health anxiety can impact my life just as negatively as scary health events, so addressing the anxiety head on was important. I do this at the start of an event, for example seeing an aura and telling myself something like, "I accept that this is happening" allows me to lean in to what's going on and focus on caring for my needs instead of agonizing over the fact that it's happening or that it will get worse. It means telling myself, "I've done this before and felt like I would never get back to okay, but across the years I have felt okay, so I'll likely get back to a place that feels okay again." I also address my anxiety between events when it's suddenly acute by telling myself, "even if I can't guarantee that nothing will ever happen again, there's no reason to assume something will go wrong RIGHT NOW, so let me continue my day as usual." Finding my specific fears and learning to respond to them very directly and address my anxiety head on has not gotten rid of my anxiety, but has provided me with a way to deal with it better. Hope this helps!