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Ever since a cataract operation I have visual disturbance fairly painless migraines which once in a while keep me searching for vocabulary. I have had this during adolescence and menopause a few times but since the operation I have had quite a few light triggered aura migraines and more rarely this is followed by a difficulty finding words. As well, since the cataract removal I have very frequent olfactory illusions of smoke or dying embers. I wonder about the relationships of these events.
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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Hi Lulu,
Thank you for your question. I'm sorry you have seen an increase in your migraine frequency and severity. Any time we have new and/or different symptoms it's important to discuss this with our doctor so he can rule out anything more serious. If you haven't contacted him, you may want to do so tomorrow.
Sometimes migraine attack can be triggered by refractive errors, not cataracts, which basically means wearing the wrong prescription glasses. You may want to talk to the eye doctor about this.
As far as light triggering an attack, that happens to many of us. There are glasses specifically made by two companies I know of to help with light sensitivity; and
I hope that helps,
YUMMY Member
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Nancy - have just found and read your update- I never have associated my aura quiet migraine linking to my cataract removal - no probs re Aura before this - during 80's + 90's much serious vertigo- diagnosed as Menieres ! Always coped as understood once confirmed - you can read about my recent symptoms under YUMMY(saves repeating) - in hindsight your story has explained something for me . Now can say I did experience a full Aura episode whilst having my cataract removed + new lens inserted ! Kept telling others about the vision (which I now was an Aura episode) - not happened to others - I still regularly have face tingling / struggling with words / continual head noises which are now returning - I hear conversations - truthfully! beautiful music! Use hearing aids which I need, of course, but make my head worse/ so have them low as I cannot cope with the head pressure they give !! And all this with no real headache (just brief sharp knife like pain in forehead) - my symptoms seem nothing to others - no-one can see or understand - a personal private debilitating problem - been told by Dr they are Neurological Episodes! Do feel for you and everyone who writes about their pain - thankyou for reading and listening to me 😊
Tracy Hannigan, MOstMed, ACE-HC Member
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Anyway I'm so glad you found a connection here within the community and that it's helped you feel understood. There are lots of us here who can understand - and I appreciate you sharing! Tracy (Team Member)
YUMMY Member
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Another late night catchup - experiencing an aura headache(no pain) - as always starts with prickly face / a v v busy head + this time am distressed and feel tearful - am a poor sleeper + experiencing the conversations (voice) in my head - scenario - I am not scared but is stressful - is usually music! Where does this come from! They are spasmodic but unsettling - reading other accounts but I seem to be in the minority re head voices etc ? Seriously going to look into meditative support- it could help - to also mention- if relevant - I can / do occasionally wake up talking to myself- think I am aware of being awake but carry on talking - just wanted to continue the chat - have read somewhere in our forum re a book written which did relate to my episodes( music etc) wld be interested to read this report - if you can locate the title would be interested - thankyou for listening to my experiences once more - appreciate being able to speak.
YUMMY Member
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Alene L. Brennan, RYT Member
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Alene (team member)
YUMMY Member
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Holly Harding Member
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