I have cervical problems that contribute I my headaches. Ive has headache and migraines since age 14 but they also gotten worse with age. About 10 years ago I blocked that they got worse when moving my neck in certain positions. Sitting too long at a desk and working with the computer. Your neck stretches forward toward the monitor and after a while the pain was so intense. One forth of July I remember looking to see the fireworks and the pain became so bad and shot to my head causing a migraine. I started to notice other times with neck movement like swimming laps in the pool and head going in and out turning the neck. Painting walls In the house up near the ceiling. Once i realized the neck was adding to the pain I started with trigger point injections, then nerve blocks and even nerve ablation. Some things helped and some did not. I still have neck issues that trigger
More one sided migraines. I am considering a nerve block now that is higher up in the occipital area.
Hoping to get some answers and start to feel better.