I have had migraines for years due to high stress or hormones that seem to be imbalanced. I cant afford to go to a doctor anymore, and that puts great fear in me. I have been without medicine for a few months now. Last time I had a migraine, I had tried a visualizing technique that worked briefly but the pain got so bad later and was so deep, i vomited and I have a fear againest that. My inner voice tells me repeatedly it will not put up with this much longer and is a frightened little child. Now every day, I wake up, scared of when a migraine is going to occur. It is ruining my life. I have started yoga and take about fifty deep breaths a day as well. Nothing really takes away the anxiety and fear and its gotten so bad, i have had to take little pieces of xanax which I hate because i usually take it to sleep at night instead and last night felt like a zombie while trying to watch tv, but anything is better than feeling like my life is over and all hope is lost. what on earth can I do for anxiety?