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Chronic Migraines

I have suffered with Chronic Migraines for well over 50 years. My Migraines have numerous triggers such as perfume, foods such as tomatoes, spices, barometric pressure changes, alcohol, missing a meal or eating late, sitting outside in Sunshine; and the extensive list goes on.

  1. thanks for sharing your update. I'm sorry to hear that you've been living with chronic migraine for so many years. 50 Years is a long time, and there certainly weren't as many ways to manage them in your early years with them. That is wonderful though that you've been able to identify the triggers for yourself. I've found it to be so helpful knowing my triggers too. It's hard when they feel like they add an extra level of planning that you have to do in so many areas, but they can be helpful too. What have you found helps to bring you comfort or relief from the pain? Does ice or heat or any type of bodywork help you?
    Alene, Team Member

    1. Hi Alene. Ice packs work to some degree when I put them on my forehead. Being in a cold, dark, quite room helps also.

      1. I'm glad that you have some tools to bring you some comfort in the midst of the pain. I hope that you get some longer term relief soon too!
        Alene, Team Member

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