I've actually had the same migraine since August, alleviated somewhat in intensity by various doses of Topiramate, Maxalt no more than 3 days a week, and Tylenol no more than 3 days a week. Along the way, I had my 2nd course of Botox, which was no where near as successful as the first. That may be due to my having been on a lot of heavy- duty meds following a total knee replacement on May 2. However, the culmination of the past 8 days was the worst I've had since I can remember in years. (And unfortunately, I have most of the years of my life to compare them to.) Hubby took me to my neurologist, and he increased Topiramate from 50 twice a day to 75 twice a day, and I was flabbergasted to feel a slight relief the next day. Today is Day 3 from then (yesterday was a MONSTER OF PAIN) and I am almost pain- free! I had to save my Maxalt days for tomorrow and Monday due to appointments I desperately hope to make. I also finally got Medicare and my insurance on the same page so my 3rd course of Botox is now approved. Anxious to hear others reactions/similar horror stories! Right now, I'm one very relieved, grateful camper. Oh, I'm 70, BTW.