I am a 37 yo female who has suffered with migraines for over twenty years. In my twenties I suffered from daily migraines but was able to get it back to episodic after several years. I’m now back at a chronic level and on Botox, Emgality and a beta blocker. My main question is for those of you with comorbidities how did you figure this out? I have many symptoms such as fatigue, all over body pain, insomnia, anxiety, GI symptoms that I know can all be explained by chronic migraine but I can’t help wondering if there is more to it. I I’ve talked to my doctor and neurologist in the past but TBH I know I tend to downplay my difficulties because I fear being seen as an exaggerator/desiring pain meds. And I’ve been treated as such before. This isn’t even what I’m looking for just feel like I keep modifying my life more and more and the pain/fatigue isn’t improving. I feel like at my age I should be able to exercise or at least clean without triggering these symptoms..thank you for listening and while this is my first post I’ve been a reader for many years and this is the one website that makes me feel validated and not so crazy from some of the things I deal with!