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Conflicting advice from my headache clinic. Who is right?

I have received conflicting advice from my headache clinic. One nurse practitioner says you can only use a rescue med 10 days each month. Another says you can only use each TYPE of rescue med 10 days each month, so I can use Maxalt 10 days and my backup which is NSAID based 10 days each month. Who is right?

  1. Hi Kpandes,

    Thank you for your question. If it were me, I'd discuss this with your health care providers for clarification.

    If I'm not mistaken, current thinking is using acute medications (triptans AND NSAIDs) more than two to three days a week can create rebound.


    1. Also you can talk to your pharmacist. They know more about how drugs are to be taken and are a great source for that. No offense to the nurse practitioner but pharmacists have more education in drug use than they do.

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