I feel very worried that what I have been told is a migraine, is not a migraine.
My headache started 2.5 months ago and has never went away. No history of headaches. It started one sided, left side, near front top of head, temple and eye. After 3.5 weeks it moved to the other side of my head. Now the pain only happens when I turn my neck, cough, laugh, sneeze, move my eyebrows, move my eyes, light and sound triggered, even when I move my body parts. The pain could be at the back of my head, top, sides, forehead, or even in my neck and face. I've started getting weak on one side of my body and twitches and muscle spasms. Also body aches. Also it hurts my head to touch my head. It is day in and day out. No breaks from the pain. When I do any of the triggering things, the pain comes on, and when I remove the trigger.. the pain will usually subside within a few seconds. It is a burning and radiating pain. None of this is what I read a migraine feels or acts like.. but that is what I have been diagnosed with and I am scared. I did one MRI without contrast and all the doctors said it looks good and I dont need anymore tests.... I am really worried. Has anyone experienced this???