Hi! My name is Michelle. I've had migraine with aura regularly since i was maybe 13 years old, I'm now 22. Both my parents have it. Luckily i only have it about 2-4 times per year. It have become more frequent in the past years, probably because of the stress and anxiety i have about it. It always starts with a little blindspot that becomes larger, and then it turns into a ziggzagg-pattern that maybe lasts for 30 mins, after that i get a massive headache that lasts for several hours. And sometime during the migraine i usually get numbness in my hand or in my mouth, i don't know why. I also get nausea, and sometimes I vomit, even though i have medication. The numbness-symptom is relatively new. It usually lasts from 5-7 hours, I haven't really found a medicine that works, and I don't really know where to start. Tho my biggest issue with this is the anxiety i have between the attacks. Like, "when is it going to come next time? On my birthday? Christmas? Maybe to ruin some special occasion?" I'm so worried about how long its going to last and I just hate not knowing when i'ts going to come and what day its going to come to ruin. I just keep like "looking" after the blindspot in my vision and tricking myself into thinking its coming even though its not. I have extreme anxiety about it, especially when i'm out, in the gym or somewhere else thats far away from home. I can't stop thinking about it and I don't know how to relax at all. The anxiety has just become worse and worse, I can never catch a break in my mind, it hasn't always been like this. When I was younger I was coping quite alright, though still worried at special occations. Right now i'm trying to meditate, eat good food and workout. I would love to talk to someone about this. I don't want migraine to control and ruin my life.