Hi all, I've been on Topamax and now Trokendi 100 mg for about a year and a half now. I want to wean off of it simply because I don't like feeling tired and dumb and dumber all the time, and now I fear I'm having kidney problems - my feet, hands, and face swell up uncomfortably at night or when lying down. I feel the need to urinate frequently, and I am thirsty all the time. My neurologist thinks I should stay on the Trokendi 100 mg and even increase the amount since I am doing better in terms of migraine frequency and intensity compared to last year, but said I can slowly wean down but keep track of my headaches. I went down to 75 mg for 3 weeks (felt fatigued, unfocused mild headache every day) and have now been on 50 mg for about 2 weeks.
I just had a physical and my general practitioner says my lab work doesn't indicate kidney damage:
BUN 10 mg/dL (report says std = 7-23 mg/dL)
Creatinine, Ser 0.53 mg/dL (std = 0.40-1.20 mg/dL)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 18.9 (std = 12.0-20.0)
Sodium 139 mmoL/L (std = 136-145 mmoL/L)
Potassium 4.0 mmoL/L (3.5-5.1 mmoL/L)
I have other numbers as well but I think these are the main ones to check for kidney issues? Anyway they are all "within range" except for the BUN/Creatinine ratio is on the high end IMO. I just can't stop feeling nervous about why my hands and feet are so swollen every night (it's been about a month). I've suffered through horror stories of doctors not caring about my health as much as I do or making mistakes with diagnoses and meds, resulting in being hospitalized and going on FMLA so I'm nervous about everything.
Has anyone has a similar experience? Any advice? I do drink lots and lots of water and am trying to limit sodium. Thanks!