A huge caution with Effexor is if you do decide to stop taking it. You should only ever change your meds with your doctors help/approval/ under their care. Do not stop Effexor cold turkey. A good doctor will know you must wean off of it very slowly. Possibly more slowly than you titrated up on it. It is a rough ride for many. Search Depression forums regarding Effexor as well for more info. Some have no problems at all, others get a lot of dizziness, headaches, and brain zaps from weaning off of it. I have Migraine and Depression, seen specialists for both, been in support groups, etc for over a decade and SNRI's are well known to be difficult to come off of. I tried Effexor myself. Unfortunately it didn't help Migraine or Depression for me. I gave it 12 months. Maybe not long enough. Weaning off Effexor was a long journey. Some get the benefit and others don't, some get side effects and others don't. That is the wacky world of brain chemistry and how we are all different. I didn't get the benefits, I got the side effects(yes-headaches too) and the difficulties weaning off. Just be informed and prepared just in case. I have heard though that it works for some.
For the past year I now use Topiramate for migraine, 50 mg am and pm. It works for me. Initially caused an intense worsening of my depression and tingling extremities, but both subsided. I hear others cannot tolerate it. Because I was warned Depression was a temporary side effect of the drug and I already had supports in place for mental health I was prepared and made it through that bleak period. The bright side is now I get very few migraines and the ones I do get are not nearly as severe. Still working on the depression with my doctor and other supports, its a long term thing. Many of the anti-depressants I tried over the past two decades were hopefully going to help with migraine but didn't. You could say I have resistant depression. But now, not having so many migraines helps a lot. Celexa was pretty good for both for about a year, but then just stopped working for both as luck would have it.
Anyway, this is about you and Effexor, good luck, I hope it does work, take care and caution if you do wean off it. It is hard to have patience to see if side effects will subside and if the medications will be effective over the long term. No real quick fixes to either of these persistant conditions unfortunately.