Hey there. My heart goes out to you. Depression is so tough to deal with and hard to swim through. You're definitely not alone -- many of us here have been there or still are. We're here for you!
I know you've been given a lot of links to check out, but let me offer you one more. While it's not about depression specifically, it does talk about the significant mood changes that can happen either directly because of what's going on in the brain, or just dealing with chronic illness.
I also remember that our advocate Holly Harding just shared about how her usually calm personality was completely unsettled on a migraine day. She was forgetful, agitated and impatient, only to experience a migraine not long afterward. It's a real thing!
Have you sought any kind of counseling for your symptoms, and have you mentioned them to your doctor? It can be hard to imagine adding something else to your list of health concerns, but your mental health deserves the same TLC as your body does.
Hope some of that is useful. Sending a hug your way tonight. -Melissa, migraine.com team