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My migraines have become less frequent and less intense since I started using eyedrops.

  1. HI
    Thank you for sharing this with us. May I ask what kind of eye drops you are using? Fewer and less intense migraine attacks is always a good thing!
    Wishing you a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

    1. Timolol and brinzolamide.

      1. - thank you for sharing your experience and the eyedrops with the community. I've heard of this treatment before, but find few articles or experiences using a beta blocker and/or carbonic anhydrase inhibitor eye drops for acute migraines. Migraine can be incredibly tricky to manage. Very glad you've found relief with this treatment. How are you this week? Warm regards, Rebecca (community moderator)

        1. I developed glaucoma, like my father, his mother, and now my cousin. My father's migraines diminished after he started taking carteolol drops. It could just be the moisture in the drops, if migraine is a protective response against dangerously dry eyes. If I feel a migraine coming on, I think of things that make me lachrymose, which seems to help.

      2. I'm curious, do you have any particular eye conditions, or are these eye symptoms related to your experience of migraine? We have a sister site for a few eye conditions -- I'll pass along a link if we have something relevant. Wishing you well! -Melissa, team

        1. I developed glaucoma, like my father, his mother, and now my cousin. My father's migraines diminished after he started taking carteolol drops. It could just be the moisture in the drops, if migraine is a protective response against dangerously dry eyes. If I feel a migraine coming on, I think of things that make me lachrymose, which seems to help.

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