Hey. I’m new here. First i would like to apologize for any misspellings further on - I’m from Denmark, so my English isn’t the best. I have just got a new job and today for the first time I had to call in sick.. only 3 weeks in. I haven’t told my new boss about my diagnosis - I have chronic tension headache and get migraine attacks 2-5 times a week. Now I have scheduled a meeting with my boss so I can talk with her about this. But I always get so guilty, nervous and really bad anxiety.. and this is also when I have to call in sick - it’s I true mental battle for me, to pick up the phone and make the call. Even though my head is exploding, can’t stand up straight and vomiting. I still think people don’t believe me when I say it. Therefore I was wondering if anyone had some tools to cope better with guilt or if someone is experiencing anything like this. I don’t have anybody that really understands me on this - Denmark haven’t got many forums for migraines unless it’s Facebook were you can’t be “anonymous”. Thank you.