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Food Triggers

For those of you who react to oranges, strawberries, dates, and tomatoes, check the latex cross-over food list. It also mentions lipid transfer proteins like peptides, which are in medicines. The list is long but not eating those foods helped me a lot.

  1. - thanks for bringing up a new topic here in our forums. This is an interesting subject for sure. Years ago, I was allergy tested and found to be extremely allergic to many things, oranges and tomatoes included. By the time I was done, I was prescribed 3 medications and given an Epipen on the way out the door. They truly thought I could go into anaphylactic shock, which is darn right frightening. Of Italian lineage, discovering I was reactive to tomatoes was a huge hit to my person as tomatoes are the base for many Italian meals. Over the years these triggers became manageable and I eat them occasionally without triggering migraine or allergies. I've never been allergic to latex, though. Strange considering there is cross-over and sensitivity with the issue with peptides and proteins being in things such as medication. Quite interesting to connect the dots. Thank you for sharing this information with us in the community. It may be helpful to a handful of people trying to manage their health. Grateful you've found relief. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

    1. it's challenging when you don't feel understood or supported by your doctor. They're the very ones who are suppose to understand and guide you along your journey to feeling better. It sounds like you remained quite resilient and committed to finding relief for yourself and did so through food. That's admirable. Thanks so much for sharing that with us. I know it's not a "cure" but we are happy to hear when we experience something that can offer a little light or breakthrough for us.
      Alene (team member)

    2. Glad to hear that you can use one of the triptans when migraines rear their ugly head. Triptans have helped me as well. But trying to find a preventative is another story. None are working or have awful side effects. Do you still lean on DHE for help? I've been considering other things as well such as magnesium. It truly sounds as if you've been quite diligent in managing this disease, and that is quite commendable. Thanks for sharing a bit of your story. Rebecca (team member)

  2. I doubt if docs give out DHE, shot version, any more. Causes heart problems. You can get Migranal, same stuff, as a nasal spray. Loved DHE. Worked within 15 min and off to work. I was working overseas and giving myself shots in the restroom.

    I get headaches at 3 am. Now that I have found all the foods, I think it's low blood sugar. If I don't stop low level headaches, they turn into OMG migraines. Lucky that I haven't had those for a long time.

    1. thanks for sharing that tip about Migranal. It's always good to hear when you find something that works for you. That said, I'm certainly sorry to hear that you deal with headaches at 3 am. You make a good point though of really being mindful what how food can impact headaches too. It's a topic that we've talked a lot about here!

      I'm glad that you haven't had a lot of OMG migraine attacks lately. That's certainly something to celebrate!
      Alene (team member)

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