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Full Moon and Migraines

It's the day after a full moon, and once again I have a migraine. The only medical article I've found relating the two claims that full moon interrupts sleep cycles, and THAT could trigger migraine. Perhaps that's it, or perhaps there's something a bit more to it. Either way, it is a trigger that is unavoidable.

  1. Hi
    Thank you for sharing your difficult experience with us. You're not alone in dealing with migraine triggered by lunar changes. We have this article that may be of interest;
    I also found this abstract that has interesting information;
    Do you have anything you can take for relief? I sure hope this attacks resolves asap.
    Sending you pain free wishes, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team Member

    1. I'm with you in having full moons as a major trigger. The article Nancy referenced above is one I wrote because it's such an issue for me. I cannot sleep at all when a full moon is afoot. I hope you find that piece of interest. You are not alone in struggling with this issue. Thanks for chiming in on this. Warmly - Holly - team

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