I have chronic migraines for the last 20 years. My two main triggers are weather changes or falling or low barometric pressure and stress. Over the last year and a half my migraines have become daily and many unmanageable pain days, it is just a matter of whether I can function through or not. In February, I started a gluten-free diet, because I have become desperate for relief and have so few options left to help relieve the pain. To my surprise, I am highly sensitive to gluten. Previously my diet was 80% gluten, that is not an exaggeration in the least, I thought it helped my other symptoms of nausea and Gerd and eating lots of fiber to help my colon move things through because my pain medication slows things down considerably. After only a month, if I slipped up and didn't read a label or just craved something with gluten in it, within hours I will get a very intense migraine. Even though I have established that gluten is a problem, I am still suffering nearly every day. I feel it is necessary to start eliminating other typical triggers that I did not think were a problem in the past. I am finding that it is very difficult to do though because as I mentioned this gluten-free diet has been a major life style adjustment for me. I also find it difficult to keep my headache journal because I am in pain, Everyday, which is depressing to look at and my two main triggers remain, so it is hard to say if it was something I ate or smelled or was light sensitive to as opposed to something I have eaten. Unfortunately, I am dealing with a lot of stress right now that I have no control over and with the arrival of Spring the weather is up and down, I live in Ohio. I apologize, I am mainly frustrated and whining, but I did want to share the fact that changing my diet even though my main triggers seemingly had nothing to do with food made a difference, as crazy as it sounds. My next step is to get a daith piercing and try to muddle through an elimination diet. I am currently taking many dietary supplements for migraine prevention. My biggest curse is being allergic to Many medications used to prevent or treat migraines including Triptan meds, Topamax, and seizure meds. The only pain medications I can take are Tramadol, Morphine, Diludid and Fentanyl. Living in Ohio with chronic pain however means, I am only prescribed Tramadol and it merely lowers the intensity slightly. I also receive Botox injections every three months, I am receiving the maximum dose allowed. This is why I feel I am running out of options. I have tried marijuana and did get relief with it, but it is not legal in Ohio, it is not a steady viable option. Thank you for reading, if you have any tips for easier journaling that you wouldn't mind sharing, I would appreciate hearing them.