Hi there - we’re so pleased you’re with us and that you posed this important question.
We have a number of resources on Vestibular migraine (where others share their experiences) here: https://migraine.com/search?s=vestibular
As to how to treat it, one of our resources says: “To treat vestibular migraine, often times the vertigo responds to general migraine prevention and treatment. In order to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, drugs may be prescribed. Some people find some relief with a combination of exercise, drugs, lifestyle changes, and vestibular physical therapy.” https://migraine.com/migraine-symptoms/vertigo
Then it may follow that migraine medication (preventative- if you have attacks frequently) and/or rescue treatment may be helpful to pursue. Effexor is a med given as a preventative for migraine but it’s not made specifically for migraine. There are many other options out there. I’m also on Medicare and have found ways to afford various treatments: https://migraine.com/living-migraine/medicare-doctors-prescriptions.
Here’s an interactive link that helps walk through the current preventative and treatment options for migraine: https://migraine.com/treatment-options.
Who are you working with to manage your care? A general practitioner, neurologist, migraine specialist? We can help by sending you referrals for a migraine specialist. If you are interested, please let me know. Whoever it is, it sounds like it’s time for an appointment/tuneup to address the frequency and severity of your condition and related symptoms.
We are here to answer questions and to provide support and compassion anytime. We are here for you. Warmly - Holly (team member)