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Has anyone recovered from Persistent Migraine Aura?

Hi. I have been suffering from PMA since 2019. MRI, EEG, VEP and other eye checkups are normal. I have had multiple medications but none have worked so far. In fact it has been increasing in discrete steps. Please share your thoughts.

  1. Hi Thank you for sharing some of your journey. I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling to find relief for the past 5 years to no avail. We have a few articles on this topic written by other community members who live with this condition. Perhaps you may find some useful information in their pieces: And: If these links don't work, please enter "persistent migraine aura" or "PMA" into the search box in our top right corner. Please also feel free to reach out to the members who wrote these pieces or who shared responses in the comment sections that follow the articles for information or support. We are here for you and are glad you are with us. Warmly - Holly (team member)

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