Hi everyone. I am 30 years old man (guy) from Ireland. I have headache for more then 10 years, and now it is more and more often. It happens almost every week once at least, and pain is every time like biggest in world. For 10 years I am living with this pain from day to day, I went to 5 different doctors and do every test, brain scan and everything and everyone said that all results are ok, they didn't find anything, some of them told me must be migraine some of them don't know what is, but in final nobody gives me anything that could help me with my pain. Now when I get "migraine" it last at leas 10-24 hours, and I cant work whole day, do nothing, I get pain inside my stomach, can't eat or anything, cant play with my 4 year old daughter, just nothing. So after this all years I just find today this web so I am hopping someone can really help me, to advise me what and where should I get anything to help me with my pains. I really try everything that you can buy without prescription but nothing help. Do you know any good doctor maybe in Dublin who should I visit to give me some prescription or something? I would really appreciate if someone could help me, because I know we all have headache and migraine but I assume mine are most painful and happens couple of time during week and last for at least 10 hours :/ Thank you in advance.