I have headaches doing anytjing under the sun/humidity for sometime. Examples: Slow walk for 2 miles. Golf for 18 holes. Bike for 5 miles. Garden for half hour. Push mow for hal hour. Kayak for 4 hours.
Any activity that requires very little activity level and get a headache. I cannot overexert for sure. Then I definitely get a real bad one.
The headache seems to start 2-3 hours after I'm done with the activity.
It is not a hydration issue or wearing sunscreen/hats/sunglasses. I make sure I do all these all the time. I also stretch before doing these.
I have done all tests (CT scan of head & neck/exercise test) and they cannot find anything.
Need any medication help for prevention and I struggle for Cure too. Ibuprofen does not work and Sumatriptan 100mg seems to reduce it, but not fully go away.
Been struggling with this for over 10 years. My age is 42.