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How long do you have migraines for?

Hi Everyone, it just seems like my summer was one big migraine. I though fall would bring some relief. I'm going through all the emotions - guilt, depression, what should I try next feelings, besides the physical pain. It just seems like everyone thinks it should only last a day or two, and sometimes mine have lasted 5 days, a couple days normal, and then back again. And pre-migraine...I almost go into nesting mode. Like now I'm getting anxiety if I want to clean because I feel I know that I won't be able to...I feel like a hampster in a wheel...thanks in advance. -Lisa

  1. Hi
    Thank you for sharing your difficult experiences with us. I'm sorry you've been dealing with extended migraine pain - we get it and are here for you!
    Have you had a chance to reach out to your doctor to see how they can help with the uptick in attack frequency? If not it may be time to. It may be time for a medication dose adjustment, or even a change in medication. Here's why I mention this. When we have migraine pain lasting longer than 72 hours its time to reach out to the doctor and see how they can help break this cycle. There are a number of options available to do this. Let me our resources on this with you;

    Let me know what you think and I'm sending you wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

    1. Thank you !

      1. My pleasure! It's dark and rainy here and my head it letting me know! How are you today?
        Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)

    2. I'm so grateful that you took the time to share your story here, as it gives words to an experience that so many of us can relate to. Living with migraine isn't easy. This summer certainly was a doozy to say the least too, especially if you're any bit triggered by heat. This summer felt like one long heatwave. So, like you, so many of us were anxiously awaiting the fall. It's of course understandably disappointing when it feels like you're not getting the relief that you had hoped for. I see that Nancy shared some great resources with you that I hope are helpful. Be sure to check the comments section below the article too as that's where a lot of the conversations happen among our fellow community members. Most of all, we're grateful that you're here, speaking up for what you need and hopefully are reminded that you're not in this alone.
      Alene, (team member)

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