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I need your advice

For 3 years now I have been living with headaches that last 25 days a month. and now I am an 18 year old girl who is at a dead end. I don’t know where to go and who to study because I really want to be a doctor, this is my biggest dream which unfortunately it will never come true. I will not be able to work in the future because with my pains I can only lie down. And I want advice from you or perhaps a decision: what should I do if I want to connect my life with medicine, but due to health reasons I cannot to study there (since my seizures are so frequent that I won’t be able to devote proper time to my studies), but in the future, where and by whom will I work, if no one will need such an employee with eternal sick leave. what should I do….

  1. - Hi there dear- thank you so much for reaching out. We are so glad you are with us and so sorry to hear migraines are sidelining you from being able to accomplish what you want to be doing at this time. I know it is hard to have hope when you are experiencing relentless pain and have been dealing with it intensely for years in a row. I hear how much it has taken from you on so many levels and how much it has made you fear its impact on your future. That said, I encourage you to try to take one day at a time, rather than to be worrying about which schools to attend, and who to study under or work for. Those are big future questions that deserve your time and energy but there are perhaps more pressing questions that may need your attention first. I'm wondering if you are working with and/or have a good relationship with a migraine specialist currently? There are so many treatments available these days and the fact that you are just 18 makes me wonder if you have tried them all yet as many of them can't be given to people under 18. My thought is that perhaps your energy and time is first best applied to continuing to try to find a combination of treatments in hopes your overall frequency and severity of migraine attacks may decrease. As there is no one cure for migraine, we are learning that the best chance we have is to pull together a number of strategies to create a protocol that is unique to you. So I guess first I would encourage you to keep seeking relief. Second, if you are living with a condition that causes multiple seizures such that you would be unable to pursue the completion of a degree, you'll have to ask yourself what it is that draws you to the field of medicine. You may have to get creative about how to apply yourself in this field given your health limitations. Are there ways you can volunteer or get involved such that you can still pursue your passion but in a way that is safe and possible for you? If you are worried about making ends meet given a condition that makes work impossible, you may have to apply for disability. We have information on this, if you are interested- let us know. It sounds like you have a lot to think about. We are here to listen and support you and provide information as you need it. Please stay in touch and know we are here for you. You are not alone. Warmly- Holly team.

    1. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your thoughts with us. In addition to the suggestions offered, I'd like to share mine.
      Migraine disease can steal so much from us - we get it - but please don't lose hope. There are over 100 medications, supplements, devices, complementary therapies and lifestyle modifications that can be used to manage migraine disease and most of us are on a combination of these, I sure do. Here is a good place to start;

      Something else to consider is to work with a doctor who is a true expert in treating migraine and headache disease. General neurologists may be fine doctors but have a hard time being experts in one area because they treat many conditions such as stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and more. A true migraine/headache disease doctor treats migraine and headache all day, every day and have additional certification in headache medicine not all general neurologists have. I've found these expert doctors can have a huge impact in our care. Here is more information on how these doctors are different and how to find one;

      Please let me know what you think, and remember, we're here for you! Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

      1. I see both Holly and Nancy have responded to your post. I hope you have considered what both have offered. I did want to write and leave you a message full of hope and inspiration.

        Hoping you've had the chance to work with a headache specialist, and that you find a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs so migraines are fewer and better managed. Thinking of you as you go through this journey. Warmly ~ Rebecca (community moderator)

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