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Is migraine a disease or a condition?

Migraine is a complex primary headache disorder, that much is true. But, when looking at migraine at a higher level, does disease or condition better fit?
Which term do you feel more comfortable using when describing your migraine - disease or condition? There are no right answers here, we just want to hear from the community on this important topic!
Share your migraine language preferences with us:

  1. migraine episode of a neurological condition

    1. Hi !
      Thank you for sharing your input and joining the conversation. That's a succinct way of putting things into perspective. It's truthful as well - we're having an episode, attack, or flare as we're living with a neurological disease.
      How are you doing today? I hope it's a low pain one, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (Team Member)

  2. , I agree with you. In studying the definitions that the dictionary gives, the word “condition” fits migraines better than the word “disease”.

    1. Hi
      Nice to hear from you! Thank you for joining the conversation and sharing your thoughts with us.
      I hope you're having a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (Team Member)

    2. I think I tend to agree with you and would like to ask if you wouldn't mind expanding on how you reached that conclusion based on the definition you found. Perhaps you could share the definition you found to help enrich and deepen this discussion? I'd be grateful. Thanks so much! Warmly - Holly (team member)

  3. I simply say, "I have migraines", or "I'm subject o headaches."

    1. thank you for sharing. When you say those, which one do people understand better, or, you get a better response from? I have said, "I deal with migraines," or "I have migraines." Most of the people that I know, do understand that there is a difference between a regular headache and a migraine. There are so many ways we can let someone know this about us. Again, thank you for contributing. (Tonya, team member).

  4. I say that I have migraine the same as I say that I have osteoporosis, reactive arthritis. This article offers an explanation as to the difference between a disorder/condition and a disease.,that%20tend%20to%20occur%20together

    1. Thanks so much for linking that resource, . The difference between a disorder, disease, and syndrome is something I personally struggle with. At times, I use them interchangeably. - Cody (Team Member)

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