Migraine often finds a way to interfere with our everyday lives, from the little things to major life events. What life events or milestones do you feel you've missed out on because of migraine?
Thank you for joining the conversation. I hope today is a low pain day for you, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)
alsmomma Member
Last Updated:
Parties, concerts and just being with my family
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
Last Updated:
Good afternoon
You're not alone in missing out on events and spending time with family due to migraine disease, a complex neurological disease. It's frustrating and exhausting living with migraine - we get it and are here for you.
I hope today is a low pain day and thank you for joining the conversation!
Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)
CommunityMember615 Member
Last Updated:
Going out with friends
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
Last Updated:
Thanks for joining in the conversation. I hear how frustrating it is to miss out on life events, no matter how big or small due to migraine disease. I wonder if you could come up with some migraine friendly events to share with your friends? Let me share a few resources with you from some of our contributors;
1) https://migraine.com/living-migraine/maintain-social-life
2) https://migraine.com/living-migraine/chronic-migraines-effect-on-social-life
Please let me know what you think and I hope you're having a low pain day,
Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)