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Hi I hope someone can help just at a bit of a loss really! I really appreciate it. I’m early 20s male, always had headaches but they have got progressively worse and Diagnosed chronic migraine last year, started on Candesartan late last year been six months nearly . MRI came back fine, anomaly behind eye but not serious and migraine gene in fam.Prior had daily headache with only 1-2 migraine free. Don’t get sick with it and feels tension, one day bed bound. While being on candeartan the daily cycle appears broken but can’t be sure. On 12mf at night. I feel like headaches contribute to bad moods, anxiety. Anyway) noticed lately the Bad days have got worse with anxiety and I’ve picked up on triggers like walking especially against wind , and putting anything on my head like a headset for example triggers. I feel foggy too. Now I take Rizatriptan for migraines but I don’t want to have to take painkillers every time I leave the house especially if I’m seeing friends / family. Hate it. Sleep isn’t great anyway but now waking up in middle of night with head pain too.
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I'm sorry things are so difficult right now. Let me see what information I can give you that may be useful.
It's not uncommon for image studies and blood work to come back normal. Migraine is considered a diagnosis of exclusion meaning, there is no blood or image test to diagnose it. We get an accurate diagnosis after the doctor gives us a complete exam, goes over our symptoms and discussing our medical history. Being diagnosed with chronic migraine can be overwhelming. Don't lose hope - there are over 100 medications, supplements, devices and complementary therapies that can be used to treat migraine disease.
Rizatriptan is a medication to stop a migraine attack, not prevent them. The thing is triptans, along with other acute migraine medications, as well as pain relievers (whether they are over-the-counter or prescription) are to be taken no more than two to three days a week. If we take more, we can increase our risk of rebound headache (also called medication adaptation headache or medication overuse headache) which will make our migraine attacks more difficult to treat and we can end up in a daily cycle of pain that too is hard to break. Along these same lines, pain medications are the typically not the best option for migraine as they mask the pain, they don't stop the attack. Here is information on this:
You're not alone in having wind trigger an attack, I've experienced this myself. Triggers vary from person to person and interrupted sleeping patterns can be a strong migraine attack for some, it is for me! One of the best ways to identify our triggers along with attack patterns is to keep a detailed migraine diary. Here is information on how to start you off:
Speaking of sleep issues, as I mentioned above, sleeping problems can trigger nasty migraine attacks. Something to consider is having a conversation with your doctor about having a sleep study. We do have another site on sleep issues I can share here;
I'll stop for now as I gave you a lot of information!! Will you let me know what you think. You're not alone in this - we're here for you!
Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator
ej96 Member
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I’ve been on these Candesartan since November 2020. Started at 4mg then titrates to 8mg then 16mg but that got too much due to BP side effects so I’ve adjusted to the 12mg. Almost six months and bad days seem to be getting worse. But I did stop it for a time and try Pizotifen and that caused massive rebounds so they must be doing something. Hard to tell tho. Sure I’ll
Do that on rizatroptan or just stick to ibuprofen (usually find 400-600mg does well) I agree on side effects aha.
Do you know if chronic migraines will be a part of life now? What is your experience / best ways to cope. And should I see a doctor again if it has been six months and my triggers seem to be increasing considering I can’t adjust my BP dose with Candesartan. Thanks again
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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Migraine is thought to be a genetic neurological disease we manage, no cure at this time I'm sorry to say. The thing is many people go back and forth from episodic - 14 or fewer attacks a month to chronic - 15 or more attacks a month. So chronic migraine may not be forever.
If you aren't seeing a reduction in attack frequency and severity, definitely get into seeing your doctor again. Something to focus on in the meantime is to stay hydrated, don't' skip meals, maintain a regular sleeping schedule and try to reduce the stressors as much as possible.
Give keeping a diary a shot - what can it hurt?!
Keep me posted, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Advocate/Moderator
annequin-harkin Member
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ej96 Member
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Melissa Arnold Community Admin
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ej96 Member
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Just an update - and in turn asking for more advice.
My headaches are getting worse and it’s now become daily again. I can’t titration any further with Candesartan due to low blood pressure side effects. Im also annoyed that I should have been given bloods and kidney tests and only now I am going to get them , after six months of taking this drug. Depending on that, we will see what happens.
Doctor also advised against me taking ibuprofen for pain days, as it interacts negatively with Candesartan. Again, I was unaware. Anyway, I’m now being told Paracetamol. As I also had a negative impact with Rozatriptan. I said I’d like a face to face which doctor booked.
We are considering either referring me back to Neurology, trying Amitriptyline or Topiramate as well as Candesartan. Wonder if any one had ant experience of these drugs? And for pain days doctor is going to discuss how we move forward. All dependent on blood , full kidney and thyroid tests which I am glad are happening. Just feel like it’s all effort on me at this point even if this doctor was very through . Any personal insight would be much appreciated, thank you guys
ej96 Member
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bookseller Member
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ej96 Member
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Thank you everyone on this site for your support!! Hope everyone is having a headache free day if possible or not in too much pain.
My headaches have subsided slightly with me lessening caffeine and working on stress. But, still not completely gone. I still seem to experience a constant daily brain fog which may even be worse than a headache at times? Anyone else get that?
Still on the candesartan ( kept at it) and now Almotriptan on a pain day ( which is actually really helping but I feel I may be growing too reliant at times- hard balance to make).
One thing; doctors found 4 months ago I am anemic and I wonder if this could cause the constant fog and dizzy spell I experience? We shall see I suppose.
Take care everyone
ej96 Member
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April.Sluder Member
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