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Sometimes when I get up from sitting in a place for some time, I get these spinning sensations for a second. And I also get these weird ringing in my ears.
I mostly lose my concentration really fast.
Does vertigo come with migraine??

  1. I hope this finds you doing well. Vertigo is definitely a possible symptom of migraine. Different people experience vertigo during the different phases of a migraine.
    One thing that I have learned personally is to take my time standing up. If I stand too quickly, I will experience some vertigo. It can be very disorienting.

    This link will show a variety of articles we have in the community around the topic of Vertigo. I hope you will be able to find some useful information.

    As far as losing your concentration, that is also another symptom that many people experience around their migraines. Many times, you will see people mention 'brain fog.' It can be another very frustrating symptom. Here is a link for some articles on brain fog.

    I hope this helps you. Feel free to reach back out with any additional questions you may have. Best wishes - Amanda W (team member)

    1. Hi, I guess this is coincidental in a not so great way. In November I was hospitalized due to dizziness. As soon as I entered the ER they quickly sent me for a CT scan. They were so fast, 2 nurses working rapidly to remove my jewelry, I didn’t realize I was being ruled out for a stroke. Over the next 3 days I had an MRI and an echo. I was hooked up to telemetry and not allowed out of bed alone. All tests were inconclusive. I was sent home with stroke information. Luckily I got a cancellation with the specialist I was waiting to see soon after. I was put through a battery of tests, eventually given a diagnosis of labyrinthine hypofunction. I was referred to home care. I was hospitalized again in December, as I had not received any treatment yet and my symptoms were worse. And yes my migraines continued all along. It is now January, I have been unable to do any household activities, even cook dinner. My symptoms stopped for a few days as I now have asthmatic bronchitis and was on a short course of prednisone. As soon as it ended, my dizziness and nausea came back as if a switch had been turned on. I should start therapy this week. Meanwhile it is getting pretty depressing. Sorry this is so long, but that is why I have been absent from the site. I don’t know if this will sound familiar to what you are going through. I hope not. Best of luck, Linda

      1. thank you Nancy and Soupy, I am finally turning the corner. My bronchitis is easing and I have started vestibular PT. It is pretty intense at least I am feeling like I am doing something. Thank you for the link, Linda

      2. Good to hear! All my fingers and toes are crossed!! Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

    2. please take care! I hope you get well soon!

      1. , thank you for supporting a fellow community member! This is one of the things that makes so special. Have a great day! Warmly, Cheryl team

    3. I get vertigo migraine very off balance with spinning sensation sometimes doctor gave me betahistine which work most of the time also have tried cyclizine

      1. Thank you so much for joining the conversation and sharing what works for you. I'm sorry to hear you experience vertigo with your migraine attacks - it really can be so debilitating. Does the cyclizine work for you as well? Warmly- Holly team.

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