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Kale smoothie = trigger???


I've noticed a pattern of having kale smoothies (from smoothie shops or home-made) triggering immediate diarrhea and a migraine a few hours later. Ingredients are always different but kale seems to be the constant (as, in same ingredients but no kale doesn't give me the diarrhea; switching fruits, juices, nut butter or no doesn't seem to solve this). Sometimes I'm fine but usually I get diarrhea then migraine. So what gives? Kale is usually listed as a migraine remedy/helper. I can't find anything on it being a trigger. Anyone else experiencing this or is it just me, or just something else I'm eating? Thanks!

  1. Also, the smoothies I've been having recently are with kale from my mom's garden, so it can't be the pesticides...

    1. Hi vitamin_migraine,

      I'm sorry you are having trouble with Kale. One of the problems with triggers is, what my not trigger me COULD trigger you. The bad news is our triggers change over time, which makes tracking them more difficult. Kale could have become a trigger for you, but the best way to find out is to keep a detailed migraine diary which is easier than ever now with all the apps out there. has the Migraine Meter; But if that isn't what you are looking for there are many others to choose from.

      I hope this helps and good luck.

      1. Kale and any bitter green veggie are triggers for me. If I eat kale, it’s guaranteed that I’ll end up with vomiting and a migraine. Swiss chard does the same thing for me.

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