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Lipigesic Questions

I've been dealing with chronic migraines for about two years now. My neurologist has almost exhausted the standard medications (many simply don't work at all for me or knock me out) and she's started recommending more natural things. One of the things she recommended today was lipigesic. I've done some reading about it and the reviews don't seem to be very good. Not to mention that the quantity of feverfew and ginger in the lipigesic is very, very low. The feverfew is 1/1000th and the ginger is 1/100th diluted of its original strength.

I'm wondering if anyone has used it and what their experience has been with it? I'm a strong believer in herbal medicine but I question this one. Wouldn't it be better to take a feverfew and ginger supplement instead?

I've had no luck with magnesium, riboflavin, or CoQ10. I feel like she's just grasping at straws now I guess. It probably won't hurt to try it, but the dilution just doesn't seem like in that product it would be very beneficial. I'm curious to hear others' experiences.

  1. Hi ahnonnymust,

    I haven't tried Lipigesic M but can provide you with information about it in this link;

    It's very frustrating trying medication after medication with little or no results, but try not to lose hope, there are over 100 medications that can be used to treat migraine. If the neurologist is running out of options, it may be time to find another doctor who is more knowledgeable about migraine and headache disorders. Let me share with you information on migraine prevention;

    I'm not sure if your doctor mentioned it can take up to 90 days before we see an improvement in our migraine frequency and severity when we start any new medications, herbal, or prescription included. We have a large section on natural remedies you may be interested in looking at;

    If the neurologist is running out of options, it may be time to find another doctor who is more knowledgeable about migraine and headache disorders. Migraine/headache disorder specialists have extra board certification in headache medicine, which is different from being certified in neurology. The thing is neurologists may be fine doctors, but have a hard time being experts in one area because they treat so many different conditions such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson's and others. Migraine/headache disorder specialists ARE experts in one area - migraine and headache. They treat migraine and headache all day, every day. When you get a chance take a look at this information on how these doctors are different and how to find one; and

    Have you been able to figure out what some of your migraine triggers are? Trigger identification and management can be very helpful in reducing our migraine frequency and severity. Keeping a detailed diary is a great way to do this and with all the apps out there, it really is easier than ever. Here is information on keeping a migraine diary;

    I hope this helps,

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