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Long term migraine on right side for 10 weeks

I have been suffering from a long term migraine type headache for 10 weeks now. Bloods, ecg, and blood pressure all normal, and eye test normal. It has varied in intensity over the weeks, but I feel it constantly painful, never subsides. My regular rizatriptan and high dose aspirin have not worked at all. The only meds I have been offered are cocodamal, ibuprofen, paracetamol and sumatriptan nasal spray and a volterol injection. Nothing has worked at all. I am now left in intense pain and nothing else is being suggested. I read online that there are several different treatment's that can break a migraine. I read here that people have gone to the ER room to break it, I went here 4 weeks ago and all they gave me was cocodamal.
What do I do next? I was thinking it might be hermancrania continua? I hear this can be helped with indomethacin. Should I go to docs and ask for predisone steroids? I feel completely abandoned by the doctors, even went to see a specialist and they just told me to increase my propranolol dosage but has not given me anything for the pain! Am I just meant to suffer this? Please help!

  1. So sorry to hear you are suffering like this. I agree it's odd and frustrating that you've not been properly heard or treated by your doctors after repeated attempts to seek solutions while you've had what sounds like an intractable migraine attack. There are various cocktails of meds available these days that can be provided by the ER or the offices of migraine specialists. They include IVs of magnesium, benedryl, DHE, and toradol. Toradol can also be given by injection. You can also ask about getting a nerve block- (steroids) given by injection directly into your scalp and/or a steroid taper script to help stop the inflammation in its tracks.

    It may be (unfortunately) that you need to be a louder squeaky wheel at this point and demand better care - letting your doctors know that your pain is severe and intractable. Let them know you are considering the ER and yet you know that is the last place that anyone with a migraine attack should really end up (loud, bright lights, long waits, etc). Ask them if there's anything they can do to keep you from having to go there.

    The larger question that follows (and one that can wait until this particular attack clears) is whether or not you need to consider a different migraine specialist. Being respected and heard by our doctors- and that there is a partnership between doctor and patient, is key when it comes to migraine. Here's a link that has a directory to migraine specialists in the US for your future reference:

    Please let us know what other questions you have. You are not alone. We are in this with you and here for you. Stay in touch- thinking of you. Holly ( team).

    1. Thank you for your reply. Yea....I just keep getting sent away by doctors and told to wait another 6 weeks with this pain to see if it improves on its own. Already went to ER and wasn't offered any of the drugs you mentioned and just got sent home still in pain! I will be mentioning these to my doctor. It was unbearable in Er the last time so trying to avoid.

      1. - reading your testimony, I too am in the same position. I cannot get rid of this chronic migraine for 6-8 weeks. It is horrendous. I truly feel for you. I have never gone to the ER, but have gone twice to urgent care where I was given a Toradol injection and triptans that helped. My husband was with me both times and he was my support who offered info to UC doctor when I was unable (get severe vertigo and nausea and vomiting). Have you got support around you to help? I hope so.

        I recently saw a neurologist for this recent episode of chronic migraine and was not listened to, verbally cut off, and had drugs forced on me, and am quite leary about going back. I just want this pain gone, so I will try again with this pushy neurologist. If it doesn't get better next time - I, too, will be searching for another neurologist. My situation is extremely complicated by several chronic illnesses, and I don't have time to deal with physicians who don't fully listen to my story. Frustrating as hell.

        You are not meant to suffer. Holly's post above has offered great options and I hope that you are open to some of them. Wishing you quick pain relief and a neurologist that effectively treats your issues. Warmly ~ Rebecca (comm advc)

        1. Hello Rebecca, I am sorry to hear that you are also suffering from a chronic migraine. It is awful when doctors don't seem to understand enough about it to offer more solutions. I had to go to out of hours doctor last night because pain was too much. Again.....No real solutions offered even though i suggested a few treatments that he had never heard of. He said that now that the migraine is chronic it is really hard to treat and it will just be a case now of managing symptoms!! He gave me a volterol injection and an anti sickness injection. He also prescribed me naproxen to try and another triptan but said that was unlikely to work if the rizatriptan isn't working! The pain has slightly subsided today so I am trying to be hopeful. I don't even know if chronic migraines just eventually end by themselves!? Good luck finding a new neurologist who will listen to you. Would be interested to hear what you get offered next as treatment. I am in Britain so I don't know if the drugs are different here. Warmly - Kay

          1. I'm sorry you are hurting right now. I can tell you if one triptan doesn't work, another may! Or if the pill/tablet form of a triptan doesn't work, a different delivery method may - it has for me!
            Please forgive me if I've mentioned this before. It sounds like it may be time to invest in a doctor who is a true expert in treating migraine and headache rather than a general neurologist. I know you are in the UK - have you seen The Migraine Trust site? On the bottom of this page, it lists the "headache clinics" in the UK;
            I hope that is useful! Please keep us posted, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

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