Hi - I'm a first time poster but long time migraineur!
I'm a 30 year old female and have had migraines since I was about 18. Fortunately, I only have between 2-3 attacks per year on average and they usually are only about half a day in duration. I get aura and headache but I tend to get two different types of migraines: the first is where the aura seems to originate in my right eye (if that makes sense) with a headache on the left hand side of my head (usually the most severe type) and occasionally, the aura originates in my left eye with a headache on my right side which isn't so severe.
I find my triggers very hard to manage but usually they are extreme stress or fatigue. I can get prodrome as well (extreme tiredness, occasionally nausea) but again, it can hard to definitively say an attack is coming on.
For the first time ever, I woke up in the middle of last night with aura and it progressed into a migraine. I haven't been under a lot of stress lately but it has been extremely hot the last few days where I live (like over 110F) so maybe that was a trigger? I found this strange as my migraines are usually very typical.
I have tried ibuprofen, Cafergot and Imigran but none of them stop the headaches from progressing.
I always have this fear in the back of my head that I'll get a migraine in a place where I can't go home and sleep. I carry drugs wherever I go for fear of an attack because I haven't found meds which are effective. I've had a couple of attacks at work during meetings which was a bit embarrassing as I've had to stop people whilst talking and excuse myself and they look puzzled as if to say "but hang on, you were fine two minutes ago?".
I've never posted in any migraine-related forum so am keen to hear others' experiences as no one else I know gets migraines (lucky them). Does anyone else get different types of migraine? Anyone find any particular medication helpful where aura is present? Any trigger management tips?
I'm now off to bed as I have that awful postdrome feeling of being drained of energy..!
Thanks in advance 😀