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12 Steps Meetings for Chronic Pain - A thing now

Greetings all. Just wanted to put this peer-to-peer, non-profit group out there. They don't discuss medication, doctors, insurance, disability etc. You'll still need this amazing website for that. CPA has helped with setting boundaries in interpersonal relationships, setting limits and being ok with them, and trying to make the best of every day even if its one with high pain levels. Hope to see some of you on one of the zoom calls!

Chronic Pain Anonymous (CPA) is a fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who live with chronic pain and chronic illness. The members come together to share their experience, strength, and hope, and to support each other. They learn how to discover serenity and a meaningful life while living with the disabling effects of their physical health conditions. The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from the emotional and spiritual debilitation of chronic pain and chronic illness. There are no dues or fees for CPA membership.

  1. Wow! What an amazing resource. Most of us have probably either heard of or been part of a 12-step group, but typically those are for substance use issues or other addictions. So nice to see a similar model which has changed so many lives applied to chronic pain. Thanks for sharing! Have you been in this program for a while? I would love to hear more about how it's helped you, if you're comfortable sharing. -Melissa, team

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