HI Rebecca,
I was not put on an anti-seizure medication because it was a side effect of an antidepressant I was taking at the time. I think I may have been on Dilantin at one time ( there have been so many I can't keep track). Medications had either no effect or lost their effectiveness very quickly.
My doctor and I were considering electric shock therapy when she asked me to try totally changing my diet. I stopped eating and drinking anything processed, or containing artificial ingredients. Nothing from a box or can, no fast food, no juices or soda. The results were fast, within 2 weeks I was almost completely migraine free and stayed that way for over 3 years. The past year has been difficult and I believe that stress has caused them to come back, but they are not nearly as bad as before and I am mostly able to function (if I have to) when I get one.
I do not have many of the triggers that a lot of migraine suffers do, I am able to eat cheeses and drink wine which will sometimes break the migraine, my doctor said that it could be because the wine somehow effects blood flow. I'm not sure how but if I can get some relief I'll take it.
I do a lot of cooking and only eat in restaurants where I'm sure I can get something scratch made. It's a lot of work but well worth it.