Prioritizing self care can be a challenge when living with migraine, especially during a busy holiday season. How do you practice self care when struggling with migraine?
Depending on the severity of the attack I take my Relpax, rub lavender lotion on my skin, drink Gatorade
Bdub1028 Member
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aive never tried the lavender, I'm gonna give it a try ASAP! Thanks for the tip
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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We'd love to hear your experience when you try lavender. Please come back and let us know how you made out!
Sending pain free wishes your way, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)
CommunityMember615 Member
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Laying down in a dark room
Tracy Hannigan, MOstMed, ACE-HC Member
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do you find that it is the coolness of the room that's so helpful? I certainly find it a key player for me! (And my partner too). Wishing you a gentle weekend, Tracy (Team Member)
Nancy Harris Bonk Member
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Thank you for the update! Good to hear the black out curtains are beneficial. I'm thinking about getting some for my room.
How goes it today? I'm sending you wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)
kellikens Member
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I shut my door and close the blinds. I always have water on hand and something easy to digest. And don’t forget to keep your meds close by!
Holly Harding Member
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Such good points. When we are in paralyzing pain, medications that are in another room might as well be on another planet. I also like the tip re: something easy to digest. Some of our meds work best when taken with food, however, our digestive system slows to a crawl during migraine so it's best to not add anything heavy to the mix while we're in the throes of an attack. You are clearly an experienced migraine person. So grateful you're with us. Warmly - Holly (team member)
latat Member
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What a wonderful giveaway for the holiday season.
Holly Harding Member
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Glad you think so and thanks for participating! Wonderful you are with us. Warmly - Holly (team member)