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Is anybody experiencing a huge decrease on their sex drive due to migraines?
philstar22 Member
No. But since my migraines are sometimes triggered by hormones, I actually sometimes notice a high sex drive at the same time I'm having more migraines.
Nancy Harris Bonk Moderator
Great question - thank you for bringing it up here. I'm not sure that migraine itself will impact our sex drive, but do know certain medications can absolutely low libido. Any chance you're taking medications that may be negatively impacting your sex drive?
I'm sure others will be along soon to share their experiences with you as well.
How are you today? I'm sending you wishes for a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)
maryy1928 Member
Nancy Harris Bonk Moderator
Thank you for the update. I've not found much on this potential side effect with Nurtec, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Some antidepressants can have low sex drive as a potential side effect.
Keep us posted? Pain free wishes heading your way, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator (team member)
maryy1928 Member
I will! Thank you so much!
Melissa Arnold Community Admin
There are so many reasons you might be dealing with low libido. Hormones, stress, migraine making you feel awful, not being intimate for a long time, depression ... the list goes on.
Have you had a full physical lately, with both your GP and your GYN? It might be useful to have bloodwork done and see if there are any nutritional deficiencies or hormone imbalances that can be treated with supplements and/or hormone therapy.
And there's usually no harm in trying a new medication if you suspect it could be a side effect, as long as your doctor is aware and says it's safe to make a change.
Do you feel like you have a good relationship with your partner generally? Are they supportive when migraine hits? These are questions to explore as well.
Keep doing the best you can, and don't beat yourself up for struggling with low libido. It's so common. Don't feel like you have to do things you genuinely don't want to do, either. Sometimes that will just make things worse.
Thinking of you and sending empathy. Take care! -Melissa, team member