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Migraine & SAD

I’ve been diagnosed with Chronic Migraine with complex aura since I was 9 years old (19 years), and now recently have been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) so the recent season change is really affecting my mood!
I’ve been trying my friends old sun lamp and it certainly helps my mood on days I can use it. My problem is I have chronic migraine with light sensitivity as both a trigger and a symptom so the days I can use it without exacerbating or starting a migraine are few and far between.
I was wondering if anyone knew of any sunlamps that may be better suited to patients with migraine?
I’m concerned about giving myself more migraines while trying to treat something else!
Any advice would be welcomed!!
Thank you!

  1. Great question!! You're not alone in experiencing light sensitivity, many of us do. I wonder if wearing a pair of glasses made specifically for light sensitivity while using this lamp would be beneficial? Many of us use these glasses and find them very helpful. Let me share information on these with you;
    Let me know what you think and I hope today is a low pain day, Nancy Harris Bonk, Patient Leader/Moderator Team

    1. Hi - Finding just the treatment is essential when you deal with SAD and get migraines. My daughter suffers from SAD as well and I really didn't think of this before she purchased a light. This is a great question. She does get headaches, but not migraines (that I know of). From what I understand if you use green light it is less likely to trigger a migraine. Here is an article that explains the difference between light rays and how they affect you.,to%20soothe%20migraines%20as%20well. Here is an article explaining exposure to a green light from Texas Medical Center - Hoping this is the information you need to guide you on your way. Warmly ~ Rebecca (comm advc)

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