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Migraine vs. brain tumor

I have been suffering from migraines for the past 5+ years and I’m nauseous, irritable, fatigue, pressure in head, tension headaches

  1. Greetings - Thanks so much for writing in. I'm not sure if some of your message may have gotten cut off. If so, please continue on in a comment below.

    So sorry to hear you have been living with migraine for more than 5 years. The nausea, irritability, fatigue, head pressure are all common symptoms of migraine. Tension headaches are another type of headache and can be difficult to experience.

    The title of your post posed the question migraine or brain tumor. I'm not sure what specifically has made you wonder if you might be experiencing a brain tumor. That said, migraine is a complex neurological condition that can be very challenging and troubling to experience. Sometimes it's hard not to wonder if there is something larger that may be wrong when we live with this condition. We generally encourage folks to pursue evaluation and treatment with a health care professional, especially a migraine specialist to ensure that your diagnosis is migraine. Have you done that? Are you working with a specialist currently? Have your symptoms changed recently? That would be another reason to have an updated evaluation/ assessment.

    We are not healthcare professionals here so cannot diagnose you online but if this is something that you are worried about, it may make sense to pursue a healthcare appointment to settle your mind/fears.

    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. We are here to provide support and information anytime! Thinking of you- Holly ( team).

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