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Migraine w/olfactory aura

I’m new to this group thank you for allowing me to join. I’m female early fifties and experience migraine w/olfactory aura. The smell is very unpleasant, worse than the actual physical pain of the migraine and it really scares me. Has anyone else experienced these types of migraines and if you have, what do you do to manage them?

  1. Mkcaouet01, welcome to the community! We are glad you're here. Olfactory auras are not overly common, but many do experience them. Here is some information that you may find helpful. My husband occasionally smells those phantom scents during his attack cycles, but I don't have any experience with them personally. Many times the symptoms of a migraine attack can be more overwhelming than the pain piece of the attack.,in%20one%20or%20both%20nostrils.
    Let us know what you think. Perhaps others will chime in with their experience and wisdom soon. Warmly, Cheryl team

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