I am in desperate need of help. My wife suffers from both Classic Migraines, Cluster Headaches and Fibromyalgia and has for most of her life. I need any documented research, notes, reports…I’ll even take a doctor’s note that states that receiving a concussion can exacerbate either the frequency or strength of migraines. Last year she received a concussion and now her migraines are out of control. We are currently involved in a lawsuit with the company responsible for the blow to the head which also split the bridge of my wife’s nose open. My wife has a migraine now almost every day, and spends most of her time in bed and now rarely ever leaves the house. I fear given the things that she says and her behavior that she is becoming suicidal, her days have become a never ending cycle of pain, depression, sickness, and isolation. Can you please help me before I lose her.
Our normal family doctor is on long term maternity leave with her sick newborn, so I cannot get the information that I need from her. Is there any resources that you could email to me? Unfortunately Calgary does not have any reputable headache or chronic pain clinics.