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Migraines and teenagers

My son (14) started getting migraines about 12 months ago. They are fairly intermittent but are debilitating when he does get them. The GP said there's nothing he can prescribe as there is no medication for children and we are just to give max dose of nurofen and paracetamol at the onset.
He has had 4 migraines in approx 12 days. He's never had them this frequent. Should I be concerned? Unfortunately I can't get through to speak with a GP as the surgery is fully booked for today.
Does anyone have any advice on treating teenagers.
He had an eye test about 6 months ago and was fine.

  1. I'm sorry to hear that your son is experiencing such debilitating migraine attacks. I can relate in that I got migraine as early as elementary school. You're doing the right thing by connecting with his doctor. There are so many nuances when it comes to migraine, that his individual doctor will be the best person to speak to his treatment. We unfortunately can't give medical advice on this site here.

    If medication is not an option, you might consider asking his doctor if there are any supplement options for him such as magnesium, feverfew, B vitamins, etc. There are a lot of supplements that can support migraine management - more on the prevention side, I'm not aware of supplements to break an active migraine. That said, supplements could be something to explore. Again, his doctor will be able to give you the best guidance on the amount to take and the frequency to take it.

    I'm sure others will chime into the conversation as well, but I just wanted to offer this option to consider.
    - Alene, moderator

    1. Hi there. Based on your word choices, I"m going to guess that you live outside the United States. I know how hard it can be to connect with a GP that has both the availability and the knowledge base for a chronic condition like migraine, and it's even more complicated when a child is involved. Would it be possible to start the process of getting referred to a neurologist? They would be the best person to help, even if you can only consult with them via video chat or maybe a phone call, I think it would be worth it. We are here to support you. You are doing the right thing by pursuing this, be persistent! Your son is lucky to have such a caring parent in his corner. Please keep us posted on how you both are doing, okay? Take good care of yourself. -Melissa, migraine team

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