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Migraines Due to Bruxism

How do you stop something you do in your sleep? Nightguards don't work.

  1. Trimmer, have you ever talked with a dentist about this? Nightguards won't necessarily stop the clenching and grinding, but they can help protect against other health issues that can come from wearing your teeth down. You might also appreciate this article about teeth grinding from the Sleep Foundation. Maybe some of their tips will help.

    Take care,
    Melissa, team

    1. Hi Guys, I am a specialist dentist ( Orofacial Pain & Oral Medicine) and "nightguards" or "occlusal splints"
      can be effective and reduce migraine attacks in some patients. However, you need to have the correct splint. I advise a full coverage splint, covering all the teeth in one arch, either top or bottom. They need to be made of HARD acrylic with a soft internal lining.
      A soft "chewy" splint encourages grinding while you sleep and can worsen the problem.
      Hope this helps

      1. , thank you for adding to the thread. It's always nice to hear a perspective that looks at issues through a different lens than we are accustomed to. The interaction of the jaw and the surrounding nerves, trigeminal and such, can significantly trigger attacks for some people. We may not even realize that we grind our teeth when we sleep, but we wake up with the negative end result of it! Warmly, Cheryl team

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