Hello! I have visited this website countless times looking for any answers, advice, or to just read how others handle it.
I am 30 year old woman. I have had migraines since I was 9 years old, they were classified as chronic migraines when I was 19 years old. As I've gotten older they've become more frequent and harder to get rid of. I had to quit my job about a year and a half ago to move back to my home state and move in with my parents. The migraines got to be too much to handle especially working full time job and being a part time student, I simply couldn't do it on my own. I've tried pretty much every treatment that I know of;so many preventive meds that it would take too long to list, chiropractor (on more than 1 occasion), acupuncturer, a complete change I diet, iv infusions that were done over a 3-5 day period (this has also been done on more than one occasion), and the newest to the list is botox.
So far the best treatment for me has been the botox. However it hasn't helped enough for me to be a full functioning person. I'm still a part-time student (online there is no way I could make it to class consistently) and I was lucky enough to find an employer that let's me come and go as I please depending on the Migraines (I live in very small, close-knit town). I haven't been to work since the 5th of January. I'm stuck in a vicious cycle that consists of; migraines that stress me out and then stress intensifies the migraine. I find myself getting more and more frustrated as this cycle goes on. I'm trying to accept that they will likely remain a factor in my life but I'm having hard time with it.
I'm getting ready to graduate with a bachelor's degree this year, and I can't help but wonder if I'll ever be able to use it. I've lost so many things over the years because of this! I got divorced (not entirely the migraines fault but a big factor nonetheless), I've lost friendships, missed out on promotions, missed out on vacations, stopped trying to find a significant other, and I've come to be known as unreliable. I do have an awesome family that tries to understand and help anyway possible and the friends I have now are very special to me, they don't make me feel bad when I have to cancel plans, instead they say, "just feel better, and don't worry about it". I realize how great my support system is but it doesn't change the fact that I feel guilty when I get a migraine.
I know there are so many people on here that can relate to this. My hope is that someone might read this and give me some suggestions on how they deal with it... Especially the guitar part. It's definitely overwhelming at times... I'm too critical of myself sometimes, I feel like I should have this under control because I've been dealing with for over 20 years.
Any thoughts, ideas, and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!