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Migraines - itchy skin / medication

Hi I am new to this forum and am a constant migraine sufferer and wondered if it was my medication causing my skin to itch (propranolol) and also despite taking this medication I still suffering 6/7 serious migraines a month although this has reduced since taking this drug. Are other drugs more effective? Any advise much appreciated because I don’t want to become a Guinea pig re drug trials simple because my neurologist hasn’t got a clue !

  1. welcome to the community! We're happy to see you here and glad to see that you're joining the conversation. You're asking such a great and important question about how to manage medications and any potential new medications on the horizon. To answer your first question, here's a resource specifically on Propranolol that you might find helpful.

    I also find talking with the pharmacists to be really helpful if I have specific side effects or questions about a medication. So that may be another helpful resource for you as well.

    In terms of new medications, we're certainly always waiting for more to come out! I don't know if you've read about CGRPs but we have some information on our site about them as well. As with everything it's so important to talk with your doctor about what's in your best interest because what works for one doesn't work for all. Your doctor is truly the best person to determine the best treatment plan for you. Do you have any upcoming appointment with your neurologist or headache specialist?
    Alene (team member)

    1. Part of my issue is that I don’t have a treating neurologists to continual mistakes and delays within the legal and medical professions ongoing now for 5 years!!!

      I have asked my GP but they are terribly slow

      Never heard of CGRPs I will look them up. Thanks

      1. that sounds so frustrating! Do you have any recourse to a patient advocacy group within your service provider's system to help you navigate this? - Warmly, Tracy (Team Member)

    2. Hi! I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing ... are you still feeling itchy on the propranolol? Let us know if you have any questions about the CGRP meds or anything else migraine related ... everyone here is going through something similar, so you're not alone. Take good care of yourself! -Melissa, team member

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